Thursday, April 5, 2007

Family clean fun social get-together

Here is latest report from Mr. Anand on Wednesday's exciting evening of poetry.

I think this has got to be a record for me: I sat in the hall on Wednesday night with my mouth hung open in astonishment for more than an hour. After every poem I thought to myself, 'nothing can top that,' but, lo and behold, another puerile poem!

Here are a selection of the night's fare. First up is Mrs Kumar's offering:
I feel like a flower
with a lover
who loves me?
the Lord is my bee

This was the first poem and already my stomach was shifting in ominous ways.

Here was Mrs Kurian's:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
God loves me
and he loves you too!

The flower power was getting too much for me, but fortunately the next poem mentioned neither. It was by 'enthu cutlet' Mathew Mathai. It's about... well, I wonder if you can guess:
Freedom is what I need
Freedom is what I want
Freedom is what I desire

Freedom is what I ask for
Freedom is what I request
Freedom is what I supplicate

Freedom is simply amazing
Freedom is most riveting
Freedom is super like superman

Oh (3 times)

Oh (3times again)

What freedom!

I don't think we can accuse the author of obscurity there.

Next was a Gospel inspired poem. I liked this one. The poet is my friend, Philip:
Mary had a little Jesus
and his cloths were white as snow
and every where Mary went
little Jesus didn’t go.
How clever Jesus was!

Can you guess the story behind this one? A prize if you can! A good time to present my own feeble bleating:
last week was dancing
this week poetry
is there simply no end
to this mockery
of sanity?

Next, a more serious turn in the poesy from Ms. Sneha (sigh...):
Here I am writing crap
with silly people, silly poems and silly pulpits
but is there some reason
why I’m still here
deeper than all I see?

I think we all ask that sometimes. Well, I do.

Things became a little more confessional after that. Here is Youth member Nathaniel:
Freddy is a naughty Christian
So is teenage Tommy
They go to pub and spend million
and go home to mommy.

They dance in the disco
and sleep only at twelve,
they are fully loco
what all they try into delve!

(names changed to avoid violence from anup and ramesh)

Lets hope Anup and Ramesh's parents don't read this blog eh?

Lastly a piece that makes me feel a bit deja vu! (Ooops! Can Christians believe in that?) It's by Mr Gnanakan, one half of the choir:
Amazing chase
how sweet the sound
that chases a wretch like me
I once was lost
but now I’m chased
Was blind
but now I’m caught

Well, I'm sure, like me, you've had enough poetry for a millennia or two now. Thank goodness we won't have to do this again any time soon.

- Anand.

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