Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A testimony

Praise the Lord! We are most passionately glad this passion week to receive a testimony from one of our dear members, a fellow worker and brother in the Lord struggling in deepest darkest Darkanahallisandra. Be encouraged brothers (and sisters)!

Dear Pastor

We are delighted to give you testimony of ministry. Many signs and wonders have occured in the last week of test and trial. I was waiting for bus (my scooter was towed away) and I waited and I waited. I remembered the oh so gracious verse from the scriptures that those that wait on the Lord, will soar like the eagles and run and not be weary. And a miracle happened! A old green bus came and I ran to it. I got on and you will never ever believe the amazingness thing. I wasn't weary. Praise the Lord brother I wasn't weary! I promise! Now you will be wondering what about the eagle. Brother! The bus I was travelling on! It was EAGLE TRAVELS! So there I was soaring at 15 kilometres every hour through Bangalore traffic.

Bangalore traffic is bad. My scooter is faithfully waiting in police station. But the Lord has promised me a car. A small maruti 800. Second hand will be fine.

Mr. Greater-is-he Das
SSLC, PUC (3rd class), Dip (hons) ACDC, BBC, Z TV

What a testimony! The Lord has promised me a ticket to the Yoo Es. But miserly people have temporarily slowled the Lord's magnificent will. May more testimonies flow!

Pastor (call me smiley)

PS only if you're above 40 and if you are a man

PSS but generally call me pastor because other pastors will feel lack of security

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